Speläologische Vortragsreihe – Cryogenic cave carbonates from the Eastern and Southern Alp: witnesses of former cave glaciations

Vortragende: Gabriella Koltai, Universität Innsbruck;
Vortrag in englischer Sprache.

Coarse crystalline cryogenic cave carbonates (CCC for short) form via freezing-induced supersaturation of small karst water bodies within cave ice when cave air temperature is slightly below 0°C. Currently CCCs are the best and sometimes single evidence for former glaciation of caves. Their age can be quite accurately determined and thus they can be used to reconstruct the time when ice was present in a particular cave section all year round. However, due to their commonly small size CCCs have been overlooked in caves compared to other types of speleothems. Our research has shown that about a dozen of currently ice-free caves in the Eastern and Southern Alps contain such deposits and CCCs are likely more common than previously thought. In this talk I will share some highlights from alpine caves and demonstrate how these deposits can be used to reconstruct multiple episodes of cave glaciations during the last glacial period.

Ort: Karst- und Höhlen-Arbeitsgruppe, Museumsplatz 1, Stiege 10, Tür 4 – Museumsquartier, Eingang Mariahilfer Straße 2