Online: OFAI 2023 FALL LECTURE SERIES: Prof. Simon Penny (University of California Irvine): “Skill: Know-how, Artisanal Practices and ‘Higher’ Cognition”

This talk will focus on the question of Skill. In particular, on proprioception, skilled tool-use, cognitive ecologies and ecological validity. Many practitioners feel that a mentalist explanation of the nature of skilled embodied practices fails to be adequately explanatory of (their) lived experience. I hope to offer understandings of such practices that are explanatory and useful to practitioners.From a philosophical perspective my purpose is to interrogate the (presumed) distinction between ‘intelligence’ and ‘skill’, and argue that such dualisms stand in the way of a fuller comprehension of ‘skill’. I’ll move on to a critique of discourses of the senses and expound on the idea that ‘proprioception is the sense that make the other senses make sense’. I’ll provide autoethnographic examples of skilled practices and explore how they might contribute to the development of more ‘abstract’ cognitive practices. I’ll connect this with question of the role of skill in pedadogy generally, and the observed denigration of skill in (most quarters of) the contemporary academy — especially during the pandemic.

23 OCTOBER 2023 AT 18:30 CEST (UTC+2) 
Prof. Simon Penny (University of California Irvine) 
“Skill: Know-how, Artisanal Practices and ‘Higher’ Cognition”
The talk is part of OFAI’s 2023 Fall Lecture Series.

Members of the public are cordially invited to attend the talk in person (OFAI, Freyung 6/6/7, 1010 Vienna) or via Zoom
Meeting ID: 842 8244 2460
Passcode: 678868

No registration is required.

Visit our Lecture Series web page for further details on the individual talks or to download a poster for the Series:

Talk abstract: Skilled practitioners attest that in their experience of skilled practice, intelligence feels like it is happening in peripersonal space, at the fingertips, on the workbench. This paper begins from the premise that skilled embodied practices are intelligence – as much improvisation as hylomorphism (Ingold) – enacted amongst tools, materials and cognitive ecologies. As a lifelong practitioner, I seek to remain grounded in practice, while pursuing an interdisciplinary inquiry into the concept of skill, engaging philosophy, psychology, anthropology, cognitive science and neuroscience. The experience of skilled practices destabilises the (received) skill-intelligence binary, which is seen as a corollary of the mind-body binary. A dualist framework that distinguishes ‘higher’ and ‘lower’ cognition and valorises abstraction, is not conducive to optimal discussion of skill. I will discuss the historical construction of this privileging of abstraction in philosophy and theorisation of cognition. A different framework will be suggested, drawing upon concepts of know-how (Ryle), the ‘performative idiom’ (Pickering), enactivism (Varela, Thompson, DiPaolo), pre-reflective awareness (Legrand), epistemic action (Kirsh), cognitive ecologies (Hutchins, Sutton). Arguments from neuroscience are then marshalled, focusing on phylogenetics and on proprioception, in order to build a non-dualist approach to neurophysiology, that provides a more balanced theoretical framework within which to discuss skill and/as cognition. If embodied practices are taken to constitute intelligence, this has ramifications for general conceptualisations of intelligence, and in turn, for rhetorics validating artificial intelligence, and claims made for interactive screen-based pedagogies.

Speaker biography: Simon Penny is an artist and theorist with a longstanding focus on emerging technologies, embodied and situated aspects of artistic practices, and critical analysis of computer culture. Much of his career has been at the intersection of engineering and art – he has developed custom immersive, sensor-based systems for embodied interaction. He published Making Sense: Cognition, Computing, Art and Embodiment in 2017 (MIT press) and directed A Body of Knowledge: Embodied Cognition and the Arts conference (2016). As part of his current book project Skill, he is working to build a non-dualistic approach to neurophysiology as a basis for a discussion of skill vis-a-vis intelligence. A current preoccupation is with ways emerging technologies constrain scientific and applied research.

Originally from Australia, Penny was Professor of Art and Robotics at Carnegie Mellon (1993-2000). He founded the Arts Computation Engineering (ACE) graduate program at the University of California Irvine, 2001-2012. He was Labex International Professor, University Paris8 and ENSAD in 2014, and visiting professor at Cognitive Systems and Interactive Media masters, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, 2006-2013. Penny is professor of Electronic Art and Design (Dept of Art) at University of California, Irvine, with appointments in the dept of Music and in Informatics.

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