Österreichische Studiengesellschaft für Kybernetik

Ansprechstelle: Prof. Dr. Robert Trappl
Telefon: 533 6112 0
Webseite: http://www.osgk.ac.at/
Freyung 6, A-1010 Wien

The Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies is a non-profit organization of scientists and practitioners. It was founded in 1969. Its aims are "the study of the theoretical bases of cybernetics and its special fields, the investigation of its applications on technical, economic and social problems, its relations to problems studied in the natural sciences and the humanities; furthermore, the education in the methods of cybernetics and its technical aids, especially in electronic data processing; finally, the advancement of interdisciplinary studies, and the representation of Austria in international organizations" (Art.2 of the charter).