ÖGMBT 12th Annual Meeting registration & abstract submission now open

wir freuen uns sehr die Registratur und Abstract Einreichung für die 12.ÖGMBT Jahrestagung Sept. 2020 – März 2021 bekannt zu geben. Details zum neu entwickelten Format finden Sie auf unserer Webseite.
Da wir davon ausgehen, dass die meisten Institutionen noch nicht im Normalbetrieb sind, werden wir heuer keine Plakate für die Veranstaltungsreihe aussenden. Dafür hoffen wir sehr auf Ihre Unterstützung bei der Ankündigung (Weiterleiten im Institutsverteiler, Social Media Posts, Screens, Event-Kalender Einträge, Newsletter,…).

Unten dazu der Ausschreibungstext den Sie gerne verwenden können und im Anhang ein Banner. Durch die erleichterte Teilnahmemöglichkeiten und des spannenden Programms hoffen wir auf zahlreiche Beiträge und Teilnehmer/Innen Ihrer Institution / Ihres Netzwerks!

Vielen Dank für Ihre Mithilfe im Namen des Vorstandes und des Organisationskommitees!

Liebe Grüße,

Alexandra Khassidov
Geschäftsführerin der ÖGMBT


The Austrian Association of Molecular Life Sciences and Biotechnology (ÖGMBT) is pleased to announce that registration and abstract submission for our online 12th Annual Meeting “Biomolecules in/for the 21st Century” is open.

Do not miss the chance to register for six months education and networking at the largest Life Science event(s) in Austria. The layout in our virtual meeting room will enable interactivity in order to keep up the cherished spirit of learning from each other, exchanging ideas and giving each participant ample opportunities to discuss her /his research with colleagues, friends and senior scientists. All students and scientists from academia as well as from industry are welcome to take advantage of this unique opportunity.


If you register by July 31, 2020 and your residence is in Austria, you will receive the conference guide and a little surprise by surface mail.

You can contribute to the meeting by submitting your abstract for a short talk or “Science Flash” at one of the Life Science Tuesdays. Every young scientist who has submitted an abstract has the chance to win one of the Awards for Best Talk or Best Science Flash.

Below you can find a program outline & topics.
Details and list of Invited Speakers please find on https://oegmbt.at/jahrestagung

From September 21-23 our virtual meeting room will stage the Kick off event (2 sessions/day à 2h). You will hear lectures from renowned Plenary Speakers, our Austrian Life Science Awards Austria 2020 winners and get insights into the latest Corona research conducted in Austria. We will feature the Life Science Career Fair and will hear and discuss about cryo-EM and healthy ageing in the 21st Century, as Graz special contribution. Our much appreciated exhibition will be an interactive VirtualExpo (with live chat and live video calls), which will accompany us starting from the kick-off event on throughout the period of all Life Science Tuesdays.

Following the Kick off event, our virtual meeting room will open its’ doors for bi-weekly Life Science Tuesdays, where we will spend an afternoon together focussing and interacting on a specific topic – centrepieces will be invited talks with „meet the speaker“ sessions, short talks, “Science Flashes” in lieu of posters, workshops/webinars and the VirtualExpo. A separate Exhibitor Quiz will take place at every Life Science Tuesday- so you have 12 chances to win!

Life Science Tuesday Topics are listed below


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Registration is free of charge for ÖGMBT members!
Not a member yet? 
Sign up for membership here: https://www.oegmbt.at/membership1/studentische-und-ordentliche-mitglieder

We are very much looking forward to welcome you at the 12th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting Kick-Off and the Life Science Tuesdays!

With best regards,

Harald Pichler (Chair), Helmut Bergler & Alexandra Khassidov

Organizing Committee

Austrian Association of
Molecular Life Sciences
and Biotechnology

Marxbox, Vienna BioCenter
Helmut-Qualtinger-Gasse 2,
Stiege 02, EG L.01
1030 Wien
T: +43 676 36 11 986