„New Genomic Technologies – A Versatile Toolbox for Crop and Livestock Improvement“

Half-day symposium at BOKU University, Vienna
Monday, February 10, 2025, 14:00 – 18:00
BOKU University, Vienna
Ilse Wallentin House, Seminar Room 29, Peter Jordan Strasse 82, 1190 Vienna
– The system around gene editing will be explained and described in an
understandable way
– Examples of gene editing for genomic research and crop improvement
will be shown
– Economic and political aspects of new breeding technologies will be
– Expectations and concerns will be discussed
With Steven Runo (keynote speaker, Nairobi, Kenya), Hermann Bürstmayr,
Mattia Dona, Adolf Marksteiner and others.
For further information see:
Veranstaltung der Gregor-Mendel-Gesellschaft Wien
in Kooperation mit der BOKU University, dem Gregor Mendel Institute
und der Österr. Akademie der Wissenschaften