Abstract Deadline January 29 – LST#10 *Omics Data Analysis & Integration (23.02.2021)

Dear Colleagues,

This is the final call for abstracts for Life Science Tuesday #10:

Abstract Deadline January 29 – LST#10 *Omics Data Analysis & Integration (23.02.2021)

We invite abstracts for presentations in the area of all *omics technologies. These include e.g. (meta/epi)genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics. Also very         welcome are submissions on data analysis, including bioinformatics, statistics and machine learning, and integration of heterogeneous omics data.

We invite short presentations for the software and database workshop. During these 5 minute talks, speakers present computational resources they have developed, such as software tools, webservers and databases. Online demonstration are particularly welcome during the workshop.
Abstract submission via the registration system
And please tell your colleagues who are specialists in this field and encourage them to submit abstracts too!
Looking forward to great presentions on *Omics Data Anlysis & Integration!

The Chairs of LST#10  Julia Feichtinger & Thomas Rattei