Save the date: 16th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting: From Sept 17 to 19, 2024 in Graz

16th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting: From September 17 to 19, 2024, the annual meeting will be held in Graz under the theme
„Life Sciences – tackling the challenges of the 21st century.“ Microorganisms, biotechnology and medical research will be the focus of this scientific conference.

Early Bird registration until June 16 – submit your abstract! Included pre-events on September 16. For session topics, invited speakers & registration click here:

“Life Sciences – Tackling the Challenges of the 21st century”

With the developing 21st century, our modern societies are facing novel and multiple challenges. Life sciences and biotechnological advances are likely to provide solutions to at least some of these problems. Among them, age-associated diseases are still on its rise, antibiotic resistance complicates the treatment of infectious disease, and obesity as well as its associated metabolic pathologies became pandemic in recent years. Sustainable, commercially feasible solutions to secure availability of natural resources for a still growing population and concomitant reduction of the ecological footprint of our society are urgently required. In the upcoming Annual Meeting, we will address and discuss these challenges across the scientific disciplines of molecular- and biotechnological sciences.

The meeting will kick-off with the bestowal of the prestigious “Life Sciences Awards Austria 2024” and presentations by the awardees.

Over the duration of the scientific meeting, we have compiled a program that broadly covers diverse disciplines within the Life Sciences. Invited plenary speakers will share state-of-the-art research and young scientists will present their work in talks and posters. Poster sessions, breaks, and social functions, like the cherished “Wine & Science” evening, will provide ample opportunity for networking and discussions with speakers and colleagues. Associated workshops preceding the meeting (Sep 16th) provide further opportunities for specialized training and young researchers’ networking.

The ÖGBMT Annual Meeting is the melting pot of the Life Sciences in Austria. In this meeting you can expect to expand your horizon by learning about technologies and disciplines outside of your immediate field of focus, to meet colleagues with complementary expertise and future collaboration partners, and to encounter faculty and students that may become your next employer or employee. Altogether, we look forward to great science, open discussions, and networking.

See you in Graz!


Harald Pichler, Helmut Bergler, and Tobias Eisenberg

Chair Scientific/Organizing Committee

Expand your horizon
The ÖGMBT Annual Meeting is one of the most significant scientific events in Austria in the molecular biosciences. Topic wise it is a very broad event, including medical aspects of the life sciences, applied aspects and a diverse set of basic research. It is a good mix of invited international talks and talks by students (all in English), a company trade show including exhibitors quiz and many networking activities.

It is a true melting pot bringing together top experts for exchange, showcasing the work of early career researchers, helps the attending students get a notion of the field and allows everyone a look beyond the horizon of their own specialization and shows what is happening in Austria in the field of life sciences.

The scientific program of the 16th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting is held in English.

The ÖGMBT Office (Austrian Association of Molecular Life Sciences and Biotechnology) is fully in charge of organizing the Annual Meeting. This guarantees continuity and a high standard of organization.

For any further information or inquiries related to the 16th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting feel free to contact us at