Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Allergologie und Immunologie (ÖGAI)

The scientific program of the Annual Meeting in Innsbruck will cover broad aspects of immunological and allergological topics, which will be addressed by outstanding national and international keynote speakers as well as short oral presentations of Austrian early-stage researchers. In addition to oral presentations, young scientists will have the opportunity to present and discuss their findings during poster sessions. This years´ session topics include Immunity of Infectious Diseases, Innate Immunity, Immune Cell Signaling, Adaptive Immune Regulation, Autoimmunity/Immunodeficiencies, Clinical Allergology and Tumor Immunology. The meeting will be traditionally completed with the ’Clinical Day’ held in German, which will focus this year on Clinical Immunology and is therefore especially tailored for practitioners and resident doctors.

The meeting takes place in the exclusive and newly built convention hall of the Villa Blanka over the rooftop of Innsbruck.
