
Maximum number of participants: 20, incl. 5 EVPC Residents
Course language: English

Experts involved: Prof. Joachim (Vetmeduni), Dr. Sattmann (NHM), Dr. Duscher (Vetmeduni), Dr. Konecny (Umweltbundesamt), Dr. Führer (Vetmeduni), Mag. Hörweg (NHM), Dr. Hinney (Vetmeduni)

Who can participate? Students of biology, veterinary medicine or related subjects, as well as Residents of the EVPC.
Application will open March 1st, 2017. You can apply with a short letter of motivation and CV to Anja.Joachim@vetmeduni.ac.at. Please note that applications will be handled on a “first come-first-served” basis, but from March 1st, 2017 onwards only!
Details zum Kursprogramm unter http://www.univie.ac.at/zoobot/wordpress/?p=3078