Specialisation Course Election Observation

Aim & Content: The objective of this course is to support the development and consolidation of pluralistic, democratic societies through preparing participants for observation and assistance tasks in electoral missions. Participants receive an introduction to the concept of elections as part of the democratic process, explaining some basic concepts and practices of democracy, the relationship between elections and human rights and the democratic standards for elections. Topics to be dealt with include different electoral systems, different institutional approaches to election observation and assistance, elections and election observation in different societies, tasks of Short-Term Observers (STOs), Long-Term Observers (LTOs) and Election Supervisors. The complete election cycle is also analysed in a case study. See draft outline below.

Target Group:
o People with academic background and/or field experience, preferably having already participated in electoral missions.
o People who have attended a Core Course and would like to become involved in Election Observation and Assistance.

Course Fee:
725€/week (incl. tuition, half-board accommodation, and course materials)
Limited number of governmental scholarships (for applicants from Non-OECD-countries, deadline 31 August 2012) available!

Further information and how to apply:
